The theme this week for House of Paper is anything goes. I just received this new Echo Park Country Drive paper, so I decided to use it on both of my layouts.
This first layout is about one of my son's best friends. Today would be his 17th birthday. We sure do miss you Devin and think of you often. When Devin passed away it affected a lot of people. Lots of kids were texting to do this or that in honor of Devin. Several kids wore best dress to school to honor him. His closest friends made T-Shirts and wrote their memories with Devin on them. They put his last name and his football number on the back. He was such a good kid and is greatly missed.

This next layout is my youngest son and some of his friends at the World's Fair at his school. I wish I could have made it around to get more pictures, but its so packed in the school on this night. Each 6th grader chooses a country to learn about and they work on it for over 4 months, then they put on this big World's Fair and tell everyone about what they learned. It is a big production and a lot of work.

Thanks for stopping by!