This was only the third time our kids have ever been and one of the times the twins were too young to ride and Tyler wasnt born LOL. Its so expensive to go, but we got season passes this year on a promotion when we bought our Durango. The promotion was for 4 season passes so we bought some day passes from the dealership for Jeff and I, but I ended up buying me a season passport when we went. Weve decided that is the way to go, so we will buy Jeff a season passport when we go back. Because of that, we have 5 Regular Ride day passes for sale (Ive listed it on KSL) if anyone is interested.
We also went to the cabin this weekend and had a good time with the Abbotts. The rain was nice enough to stop for a while so we could sit outside and visit. It rained at bedtime and then stopped when we got up again. It was a fun time.
Hope you all had a fun memorial weekend!