The house next door to us was sold a couple of months ago. We were really sad to lose our neighbors. They were awesome and really good to my kids. They let my kids jump on their trampoline whenever they wanted and play in their yard...they were really good neighbors. I was a little worried when they sold their house that we might not have as good of neighbors as they had been. The new neighbors moved in and they are awesome too! Wow, how did I get to be so lucky? I love it when people are kid friendly...especially since my kids can be so social...maybe too social sometimes. They take everything you say to heart. LOL...for instance, they must have asked my new neighbor if they could help put their Christmas lights on their house and they said yes. Well, we came home late one night and the lights were on the house. They happened to open their door as we were getting out of the van so my twins said "Hey, you said we could help you put your lights up!" LOL...not shy like they used to be. Our neighbors told them that they had actually knocked on the door to get the kids, but we werent home.
Anyway, on to the fun surprise. Our neighbors went out of town and asked my boys to feed their dog while they were gone...which they did. So, tonight dh and I were going to run to the store to get some tape so I can wrap gifts (which I still need to do and its almost 2 a.m.!) and when we opened the door this is what we found on our door step.
There was a note on the gift from our sweet are they!? My boys were unwilling to wait for Christmas to open it, cuz thats like a whole day away they ripped it open.
Inside were these nerf guns. They boys were in the process of going to bed, but since they now have a fun toy to play with, they didnt go to sleep. (which is why I still need to wrap). Arent my neighbors awesome? They made my boys' night!
Ok, Im off to wrap and go to bed. Hope youre having a great day!